We are volunteers driven by the conviction that civil society needs to step in if society’s challenges are to be solved.
Egenvirksomhed.nu is an association consisting of business people who make themselves available as mentors for people who wish to start their own company. Contact us at info@egenvirksomhed.nu if you wish to have a mentor.
We are volunteers driven by the conviction that civil society needs to step in if society’s challenges are to be solved.
We have roots in East Jutland around Aarhus, but it is our ambition that the association will develop to become nationwide in the long run.
We are a private initiative and independent of trade unions and the public sector, but cooperate with several municipalities and are open to cooperation with all agencies that can uncomplicatedly contribute to the solution of the task: To bring citizens who have the potential to become entrepreneurs and self-employed.
Our mentors help make the dream of self-employment a reality for citizens on kontanthjælp and integrationsydelse.
The mentors “sharpen” the entrepreneurs businessidea and give it a reality check and improve on it’s chances of succes.
We take as our starting point the specific situation and the economic reality in which the entrepreneur finds himself.
We use our own networks and entrepreneurial creativity to make the entrepreneurs business idea a reality.
We assist with solving formalities with registration of company by CVR, establishment of bank account, accountant, business plan and budgeting.
We can help to find suitable premises, equipment and development of company practice and routines regarding. invoicing, bookkeeping, etc.
We basically want to help everyone, but do not participate in projects where we assess that we can not contribute to their success or do not have the resources to do so.
We do not contribute to the development of companies that we believe are not financially sustainable and can’t maintain a wage income for the citizen that is greater than his current transfer income.
We do not participate in the development of complicated business structures that cannot be run by the citizen without large investments and external know-how.
We do not offer loans or financial deposits in companies.
We give you the little push you need – but you have to put on your work clothes and get bussy, the task can only be solved by you.
You have a big dream of standing on your own two feet, have a business idea and lots of energy to bring it to life.
You are on either kontanthjælp or integrationsydelse.
You have a concrete idea of what you want to make money on in your business, including who your target audience is, what your service consists of and what it should cost, and how much you want in salary.
You have the desire and profit to become independent, and you are fully aware that it costs a lot of effort to get there.
Concretize your dream and do your homework before asking for help.